생활 정보

몸에 좋은 달걀

2017-07-04 01:38

Slide 1 of 13: <p>By Grant Stoddard</p><p>Eggs might just be the easiest, cheapest and most versatile way to up your protein intake.</p><p>Beyond easily upping your daily protein count— each 85-calorie eggs packs a solid 7 grams of the muscle-builder—eggs also boost your health. They’re loaded with amino acids, antioxidants and iron. Don't just reach for the whites, though; the yolks boast a fat-fighting nutrient called choline, so opting for whole eggs can actually help you trim down.</p><p>When you're shopping for eggs, pay attention to the labels. You should be buying organic, when possible. These are certified by the USDA and are free from antibiotics, vaccines and hormones. As for color, that's your call. The difference in color just varies based on the type of chicken—they both have the same nutritional value, says Molly Morgan, RD, a board certified sports specialist dietician based in upstate New York. Here are 12 incredible effects the mighty egg can have on the human body.</p><p>And to blast fat fast—and live your healthiest, happiest life—don't miss these <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/how-to-lose-10-pounds-fast">50 Ways to Lose 10 Pounds—Fast</a>!</p>



저렴하면서도 영양가 만점인 달걀은 단백질 섭취용으로도 만점이다. 단백질 뿐만아니라 아미노산, 안티옥시던트와 철분까지 풍부한 건강 식품이 바로 달걀이다. 게다가 노른자에는 콜린이라는 성분이 들어있어 다이어트에도 만점이다. 


 Slide 2 of 13: <p>If you don’t want to play chicken with infections, viruses and diseases, add an egg or two to your diet daily. Just one large egg contains almost a quarter (22%) of your RDA of selenium, a nutrient that helps support your immune system and regulate thyroid hormones. Kids should eat eggs, especially. If children and adolescents don’t get enough selenium, they could develop Keshan disease and Kashin-Beck disease, two conditions that can affect the heart, bones and joints.</p>

1. 면역력 증진

달걀은 면역력을 증진시킨다. 어린 아이들일 수록 달걀을 많이 섭취하는 것이 이후 성인이 되어서의 건강에도 도움이 된다. 


Slide 3 of 13: <p>Remember that saying, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger?" That doesn't actually apply when it comes to cancer-causing agents. The following types of foods have been linked to increasing your risk of breast cancer, so try to keep consumption of them low.</p>


2. 좋은 콜레스테롤 함유

일반적으로 콜레스테롤 수치가 높은 것은 건강에 안좋은 싸인이다. 또한 어떤 종류의 콜레스테롤이냐도 중요한 문제중 하나다. 달걀 하나에 함유된 콜레스테롤은 212 mg, 하지만 달걀에 함유된 콜레스테롤은 우리 몸에 유익한 종류다.  

Slide 4 of 13: <p>LDL cholesterol became known as "bad" cholesterol because LDL particles transport their fat molecules into artery walls, and drive atherosclerosis — basically, gumming up of the arteries. (HDL particles, by contrast, can remove fat molecules from artery walls.) But not all LDL particles are made equal, and there are various subtypes that differ in size. Bigger is definitely better — many studies have shown that people who have predominantly small, dense LDL particles have a higher risk of heart disease than people who have mostly large LDL particles. Here’s the beauty part: Even if eggs tend to raise LDL cholesterol in some people, studies show that the LDL particles change from small and dense to large, slashing the risk of cardiovascular problems.</p>


3. 심장 질환에 좋다. 

달걀 섭취가 심혈관이 막히는 증상에 도움을 줄 수 있다는 연구결과가 나왔다. 


Slide 5 of 13: <p>Just one egg contains about 15% of your RDA of vitamin B2, also called riboflavin. It’s just one of eight B vitamins, which all help the body to convert food into fuel, which in turn is used to produce energy. Eggs are just one of the <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/best-foods-to-eat-for-muscle-definition">25 Best Foods for a Toned Body</a>!</p>

4. 활력이 조금 더 생긴다. 


달걀 하나에는 리보플라빈이라고 불리우는 비타민이 함유되어있다. 이 비타민은 몸에 연료역할을 하기 때문에 조금더 많은 활력과 에너지를 가질 수 있게 된다. 

Slide 6 of 13: <p>B-complex vitamins are also necessary for healthy skin, hair, eyes, and liver. (In addition to vitamin B2, eggs are also rich in B5 and B12.) They also help to ensure the proper function of the nervous system. For more foods full of B vitamins, click here for this list of the essential <a href="http://www.eatthis.com/best-foods-to-eat-for-muscle-and-strength">40 Best Foods for Muscle and Strength</a>!</p>

5. 머리카락과 피부가 좋아진다. 

비타민 B는 건강한 피부와 머리카락, 눈 그리고 간에 좋다. 뿐만아니라 신경 조직의 활동에도 도움을 준다. 



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