웨딩 칼럼

Women, who care more about occupation and financial status rather than character, have a higher chance to succeed in marriage!

2018-12-19 21:50

EUFD: Encyclopedia of Useful Facts on Dating

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12-Women, who care more about occupation and financial status rather than character, have a higher chance to succeed in marriage!


The relationship between men and women are hard to anticipate. Some people get along even if it seems that they are not a good pair. Some people easily marry, but some don’t, even if they have a similar background.


The data know the secret of the success in marriage!


Couple.net of Sunoo, the matchmaking company, for the last ten years, surveyed 1,433 women (664 married and 792 not-yet-married) who achieved 70-80 “spouse power rank” to analyze women’s preference on spouse.


Here the spouse power rank refers to the score in which the four elements of achievement and background are integrated and quantified: socio-financial achievement (education and occupation), physical appearance (stature and look), and family background (occupation and education of parents)


According to the survey, compared to women who have not yet succeed to marry, women who succeed to marry more care about men’s occupation and financial status rather than character.


It is particularly notable that the gap of character stands out among the four elements.


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