한인 행사안내 / 소식

재미과학기술자협회 시애틀 여름 피크닉 이벤트

2019-08-05 07:13

이번년도 저희 KSEA (재미과학기술자협회) Seattle에서 8월 24일에 Summer Picnic을 호스팅합니다! 시애틀에있는 회사 전문직 (보잉, 아마존, 마이크로소프트, 구글 등), 대학교/대학원 학생, 교수, 그리고 아카데미아에 계시는분과 함께 바베큐와 준비된 게임을 즐기실수있습니다. 입장료는 무료이고 KSEA멤버가 아니더라도 입장하실수있습니다! 혼자던 친구 가족분들과 함께오시던 KSEA와함께 네트워킹과 즐거운시간을 함께하세요!

참석하시는분은 여기 Google Doc에서 정보를 넣어주셔야합니다


참고로 페이스북에서만 Going을 누르는것은 Attendance에 포함이되지않으니 Google Doc을통해 꼭 RSVP해주세요!

*RSVP는 8월 16일 밤 11:59까지 해주셔야합니다!


KSEA에더 자세히알고싶으신분은 페이스북 https://www.facebook.com/kseaseattle/ 이나 웹사이트에 들어가보세요! https://seattle.ksea.org/

You are invited!

KSEA Seattle is happy to announce our annual Summer Picnic at Golden Gardens Park on August 24, 2019 (Sat). This is our on-going tradition of Seattle chapter and our goal for the picnic is to introduce our organization to professionals (from companies like Boeing, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and more!), students, and academics throughout Seattle area! There is no entrance fee, KSEA membership is not required (But highly recommended!), and the event is family friendly so bring your family and friends (Or come alone and network with great people around Seattle)! We will also arrange ride share for those who need a ride. Lastly, we have delicious BBQ food, dessert, drinks, and fun games. So make your RSVP today at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1RH7ey0wFT27ZkqLVAzbpYbBcqDDX7DifXM8A5hkBVDs (a RSVP is required for each party)!

Note: clicking "going" in this page DOES NOT count as a valid RSVP.

*RSVP is required by 8/16, 11:59PM!


If you would like to learn more about KSEA, visit our Facebook site at https://www.facebook.com/kseaseattle/ or our website at https://seattle.ksea.org/!

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