2014년, 미래의 가장 전망있는 직업은?
Chris Lee
2014-01-30 22:54
IT와 컴퓨터 관련에 대한 칼럼 쓰게 될 Chris Lee, LB Inc. 입니다. 오늘은 미국에서 어떤 Job 이 전망있고 높은 연봉을 받는지 알아보겠습니다.
The Best and High-wage jobs:
1. Software developer, applications and systems software
Total employment in 2013: 1,042,402 jobs
Added 104,348 jobs from 2010-2013, up 11 percent
Median hourly earnings: $45.06
2. Market research analyst and marketing specialist
Total employment in 2013: 438,095 jobs
Added 54,979 jobs from 2010-2013, up 14 percent
Median hourly earnings: $29.10
3. Training and development specialist
Total employment in 2013: 231,898 jobs
Added 18,042 jobs from 2010-2013, up 8 percent
Median hourly earnings: $27.14
4. Financial analyst
Total employment in 2013: 257,159 jobs
Added 17,060 jobs from 2010-2013, up 7 percent
Median hourly earnings: $37.34
5. Physical therapist
Total employment in 2013: 207,132 jobs
Added 14,011 jobs from 2010-2013, up 7 percent
Median hourly earnings: $37.93
6. Web developer
Total employment in 2013: 136,921 jobs
Added 13,364 jobs from 2010-2013, up 11 percent
Median hourly earnings: $27.84
7. Logistician
Total employment in 2013: 127,892 jobs
Added 11,897 jobs from 2010-2013, up 10 percent
Median hourly earnings: $35.08
8. Database administrator
Total employment in 2013: 119,676 jobs
Added 11,241 jobs from 2010-2013, up 10 percent
Median hourly earnings: $37.39
9. Meeting, convention and event planner
Total employment in 2013: 87,082 jobs
Added 10,867 jobs from 2010-2013, up 14 percent
Median hourly earnings: $22.56
10. Interpreter and translator
Total employment in 2013: 69,887
Added 8,377 jobs from 2010-2013, up 14 percent
Median hourly earnings: $22.39
11. Petroleum engineer
Total employment in 2013: 40,733
Added 7,158 jobs from 2010-2013, up 21 percent
Median hourly earnings: $63.67
12. Information security analyst
Total employment in 2013: 75,995
Added 5,671 jobs from 2010-2013, up 8 percent
Median hourly earnings: $41.62
보시다시피 1,2,6,8,12위가 모두 IT 와 컴퓨터 관련 직업입니다. 미국에서 몇년 전만 해도 최고의 직업은 메디컬 쪽이였는데 최근 들어 IT 의 엄청난 성장세로 Technology 직업이 넘버원이 되었습니다.
그만큼 IT 관련 직업들이 연봉도 좋아지고 경쟁력도 쎄질 전망입니다.
대학교 다니시는 분들과 대학을 준비하시는 학생들은 한번 IT Career 에 생각을 해보시는게 좋을 것 같습니다.
예를 들어 IT 중 Software 관련 직종은 앞으로도 더 강세를 보일 추세이고 일자리도 더 많이 늘어나며 한편으로도 더 배우기가 어려워질 수 있습니다.
아래의 글은 2014년 Technology 관련 직업에 대한 글입니다.
The biggest news within this industry is that an information technology job usurped health care from the top slot.
Software developer rose from No. 7 in 2013 to this year's most attractive profession, with employment expected
to swell 23 percent by 2022. Our increased dependence on mobile software has fostered superb job opportunity
for software developers, plus the salary is none too shabby – in 2012, their median salary was $90,060.
The new tech job to make our list shouldn't come as a surprise. In the past year, our airwaves and Internet feeds have been clogged with tales of compromised security, leaked intelligence and diminished privacy, so of course, positions for our No. 11 job,
information security analyst, are popping up at Whack-A-Mole speed: 36.5 percent between 2012 and 2022, according to the BLS.
Prospects are good, but the most desirable candidates should have a well-rounded computer education and some
prior experience working in information technology. Certifications will also make you a top applicant.
IT 컴퓨터관련을 공부하시고 계획하시는 분들께서는 좋은 결과를 얻으셔셔
제 2의 Microsoft빌게이츠, Apple스티브 잡스, Facebook 마크 주커버그가 나오기를 기대합니다.