유학생 게시판

Math/Physics Online Tutor Wanted

Stevens Academy
2025-02-06 12:58

Math/Physics Online Tutor Wanted

Competitive compensation paid per (50-minute teaching) hour for online Zoom teaching.
employment type: contractor (Form 1099 independent contractor)

We are an established test prep company in San Francisco teaching online throughout the US and overseas. We have been teaching test prep for US college admissions since 2003. Please, look us up and see who we are (search Steven Academy). We specialize in teaching SAT, ACT, APs, IBs, iBT TOEFL, and high school subjects tutoring. We offer such classes for you to teach online with our San Francisco, US and Seoul, Korea based counselors interfacing with parents and their communications.

We are looking for a high-school-level math and physics teacher (AP Calculus AB/BC, AP Physics 1, 2, C Electromagnetism, C Mechanics). Teaching AP level physics while teaching algebra 1, 2, geometry, precalculus but not AP level math is ok too.

Remuneration note: Contractor position for teaching afternoons on weekdays (Mondays off) and all day Saturday weekends for all US time zones. Part-time also is possible, but at least 10 hours per week teaching availability preferred.

Interview and mock class: There is a mock class requirement in front of just the director via Zoom, one in AP Calculus AB or BC and one more in AP Physics (1, 2, C Electromagnetism, C Mechanics). Again, the math can be algebra 1, 2, geometry, or precalculus instead. The mock class need be about 10-15 minutes in each of the two subjects: one AP Free-Response-Question for AP Calculus and one in AP Physics (probably not all sub-parts will be covered in mock class time limit). If opting for high school math instead, any one long word-problem or some multistep problem available online (algebra 1, 2, geometry, pre-calculus) from the internet or from your own teaching materials is fine. You don't need to finish the problems in that time limit and do teach at your usual pace, but you will be cut off at about that time allotted, since about that time is all that's needed to make an assessment. The mock class itself can use the whiteboard function or share-screen function on Zoom to show the problem-solving steps. A stylus is recommended to make the smoothest writing on the virtual whiteboard.

AP subjects: https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/courses

If you have any questions, please feel free to email at stevenacademy7@gmail.com. But, we will not hire without a resume review sent via email (to stevenacademy7@gmail.com), interview online, and mock class (interview and mock class on same day of appointment). We can accommodate interviews by appointment only (email resume first, and we will reply to set up the interview and mock class), and the online interview and mock class can be scheduled most any day Tuesday through Saturday afternoons (1pm to 9pm EST). Email preferred for any additional questions and set up of interview time.


Steven K Huh
Vice President

SFC Steven Academy, Inc.
1410 Irving St
San Francisco, CA 94122
Tel: 1-415-918-6018

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