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새집으로 이사간 후 체크포인트!

2017-06-20 16:37

Slide 1 of 13: <p> Know where you main water shutoff valve is in case you need to shut off the water to your entire house.</p><p> Almost all homes have one main shutoff valve directly before the water meter and another directly after. Where the meter is located depends on the climate in your area. In cold climates, the meter and main shutoff valves are located inside, usually in a basement or other warm area to prevent freezing. In milder climates, the meter and its two shutoff valves may be attached to an exterior wall or nestled in an underground box with a removable lid.</p><p> Between the water main in the street and the meter, there's also usually a buried curb stop valve (accessible only by city workers wielding special long-handled wrenches) and a corporation stop, where your house water line hooks up to the water main. Your city absolutely doesn't want you messing around with these valves. Turn your water off or on using the main valve on the house side of the meter. This valve will normally be a gate-type valve, with a round knurled handle, requiring several full clockwise rotations to turn off. In newer homes, it could be a ball valve.</p><p> Find out more about main water shutoff valves <a href="https://www.familyhandyman.com/plumbing/valves/home-repair-how-to-replace-the-main-shut-off-valve/view-all">here</a>.</p>



메인 수도 벨브를 찾는다. 


집 전체의 수도 공급이 되는 벨브를 찾는다. 만약의 상황에 집의 수도 공급을 닫아야 할 경우가 생길때를 대비해서 알아놓는 것이 좋다. 



Slide 2 of 13: <p> Find the electrical panel so you know where to shut of the power to you whole house or an individual circuit.</p><p> You'll usually find the main circuit breaker panel—a gray, metal box—in a utility room, garage or basement. Don't worry about opening the panel's door. All the dangerous stuff is behind another steel cover. Behind the door is the main breaker for the entire house (usually at the top of the panel) and two rows of other breakers below it, each controlling individual circuits. If you're lucky, there will be a guide that indicates which outlets and receptacles are served by each circuit.</p><p> Learn more about circuit breakers <a href="https://www.familyhandyman.com/electrical/how-to-reset-a-circuit-breaker/view-all">here.</a></p>


전기 공급 패널의 위치를 확인한다. 


집 전체나 혹은 일부 공간에 전기 공급을 통제하기 위해서 전기 공급 패널의 위치를 알아놓는다. 주로 회색 빛깔의 금속 박스 안에 들어있는 경우가 대부분이며 집의 주차장이나 지하에 위치되어 있는 경우가 많다. 



Slide 3 of 13: <p> One of the fastest ways to create problems with a forced-air heating and cooling system is to forget to replace the filter. Locate the furnace filter and <a href="https://www.familyhandyman.com/heating-cooling/furnace-repair/the-best-furnace-filters-to-buy/view-all">buy replacements</a> if the previous owners didn't leave you a stash. Replace the filter (and get in the habit of doing it every month). <a href="https://www.familyhandyman.com/heating-cooling/furnace-repair/how-to-change-a-furnace-filter/view-all">Here's how</a>!</p>



난로 필터를 교체한다. 


난로의 필터를 교체하지 않아서 난방이나 냉방 서비스에 문제가 생기는 경우가 대부분이다. 이같은 문제를 미연에 방지하기 위해서 미리 필터를 교체해 놓는게 좋다. 



Slide 4 of 13: <p> It's good to familiarize yourself with the farthest corners of your home. Check for <a href="https://www.familyhandyman.com/roof/repair/roof-repair-how-to-find-and-fix-roof-leaks">leaks</a>, <a href="https://www.familyhandyman.com/pest-control/control-bugs/view-all">bugs</a>, <a href="https://www.familyhandyman.com/cleaning/mold-and-mildew/10-tips-for-mold-and-mildew-removal">mold</a> and other issues that you should address sooner rather than later. If your crawlspace doesn't have a vapor barrier, learn how to install one <a href="https://www.familyhandyman.com/smart-homeowner/how-to-install-a-vapor-barrier-in-the-crawlspace/view-all">here</a>.</p>


천장의 좁은 배선 공간과 다락을 검진한다. 


해당 공간들에 새는 공간은 없는지, 벌레나 곰팡이 등 다른 문제들은 없는지를 확인한다. 만약 문제가 발견될 경우 바로 문제를 고친다. 



Slide 5 of 13: <p> No one has to tell you to clean, but there may be things that you've never had to clean before. Here are some tips and tricks from our cleaning pros:</p><p> <a href="https://www.familyhandyman.com/cleaning/how-to-remove-water-stains/view-all">How to Remove Water Stains</a></p><p> <a href="https://www.familyhandyman.com/cleaning/carpet-cleaning-tips-for-pet-owners/view-all">Carpet Cleaning TIps for Pet Owners</a></p><p> <a href="https://www.familyhandyman.com/cleaning/cleaning-vinyl-siding/view-all">Cleaning Vinyl Siding</a></p><p> <a href="https://www.familyhandyman.com/cleaning/how-to-clean-brick/view-all">How to Clean Brick</a></p><p> <a href="https://www.familyhandyman.com/cleaning/how-to-clean-a-bathroom">How to Clean a Bathroom Faster and Better</a></p><p> <a href="https://www.familyhandyman.com/skills/cleaning/mold-and-mildew">Mold and Mildew Removal</a></p><p> <a href="https://www.familyhandyman.com/cleaning/top-household-cleaning-tips--the-tough-problems">Top 10 Household Cleaning Tips: The Tough Propblems</a></p>


청소 !

새 집으로 이사가면 집안 구석구석을 청소하는 것은 기본!



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