시애틀 워싱턴 뉴스

워싱턴 주내 최고의 교사들이 근무하는 학교는 어디?

2019-10-15 05:50



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교육관련 조사를 시행하는Niche 시애틀 지역 최고의 교사들이 근무하는 학교들을 찾아냈다.


이번 조사는 학업 성적과 학생, 학부모들의 교사들엑 대한 평가, 교사들의 결근 횟수, 교사들의 임금 인덱스, 1 혹은 2 년차 교사들 , 평균 교사 급여와 학생 교사 비율 등을 기반으로 조사되었다.


조사 결과 링컨 카운티에 위치한 알미라 초등학교(Almira Elementary School) 최고 교사들이 근무하는 것으로 나타났다. 해당 학교에는 109 여명의 학생들이 재학중이며, 학생과 교사 비율은 10 1이다. 알미라 학교는 교사 등급에 A , 전체 평가에서 A+ 점을 받았다.


2 번째로 좋은 교사들이 많이 근무하는 곳은 레드몬드에 위치한 선라이즈 초등학교(Redmond's Sunrise Elementary School) 것으로 나타났다. 해당 학교는 교사 등급의 경우 A+, 418 명의 학생들이 재학중이며 학생과 교사 간의 비율은 19 1 것으로 나타났다.


아래는 시애틀 지역내 최고 교사들이 근무하는 것으로 지정된 학교들이다.


Sunrise Elementary School (Northshore SD)

Capt. Johnston Blakely Elementary School (Bainbridge SD)

Odyssey Multiage Program (Bainbridge SD)

Carbonado Historical School (Carbonado SD)

Shelton View Elementary School (Northshore SD)

Kokanee Elementary School (Northshore SD)

Timbercrest Junior High School (Northshore SD)

Capt. Charles Wilkes Elementary School (Bainbridge SD)

Hollywood Hill Elementary School (Northshore SD)

Woodward Middle School (Bainbridge SD)




Maplewood Parent Cooperative

Westgate Elementary School

Hilltop Elementary School

Challenge Elementary School

Madrona School


Sunrise Elementary School

Shelton View Elementary School

Kokanee Elementary School

Timbercrest Junior High School

Hollywood Hill Elementary School

Lake Washington

Tesla STEM High School

Horace Mann Elementary School

Northstar Middle School

Norman Rockwell Elementary School

Discovery Community School

Mercer Island

West Mercer Elementary School

Island Park Elementary School

Islander Middle School

Lakeridge Elementary School

Mercer Island High School


Endeavour Elementary School

Sunny Hills Elementary School

Cascade Ridge Elementary School

Discovery Elementary School

Apollo Elementary School


Bennett Elementary School

Cherry Crest Elementary School

Clyde Hill Elementary School

Eastgate Elementary School

Highland Middle School


Fairmount Park Elementary School

APP at Lincoln

Daniel Bagley Elementary School

Wedgwood Elementary School

View Ridge Elementary School


Maplewod Heights Elementary School

H.O.M.E. Program

Hazelwood Elementary School

Lakeridge Elementary School

Kennydale Elementary School


Science & Math Institute

Tacoma School of the Arts

Browns Point Elementary School

Point Defiance Elementary School

Downing Elementary School


Discovery Elementary School

Voyager Elementary School

Kopachuck Middle School

Harbor Ridge Middle School

Artondale Elementary School

Clover Park

Harrison Preparatory School

Hillside Elementary School

Woodbrook Middle School

Meriwether Elementary School

Evergreen Elementary School


Fruitland Elementary School

Maplewood Elementary School

Woodland Elementary School

Ballou Junior High School

Ridgecrest Elementary School



ⓒ Copyright kseattle.com

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